Sunday, July 11, 2010

Running the Roller Coaster and Goal #2

Running never ceases to amaze me.  There are days I'll head out on a 5 mile run and my legs will feel like lead the whole time.  The whole thing from start to finish just feels hard and I feel like I look like I'm struggling and my form is off and I'm just huffing and puffing.  Then there are days when I'm out running and I can run 7 miles and feel amazing and not think twice about it and power up hills like superwoman!  I haven't pinpointed what will make a good day and what will make a bad day.  I do think part of it is my attitude.  Some days I'm just not into it and I think I mentally screw it up.  I think maybe how I've been working out the days before might play a part but haven't really tried too hard to nail it down.  I obviously prefer the days when I feel like superwoman; who doesn't!  This morning I had a pretty good day.  I did a little over 7 miles and when I finished I watched my husband and his brother race a triathlon.  A pretty good start to the day.  Lunch was fish tacos and I think I made up for the calories I lost during the run which wasn't really my intention but those chips and salsa were SO good. 

So, back to my list of goals.  Goal #2 was eat less sugar.  Hmm..  that one is a little tricky.  I think in general I do pretty well when it comes to meals.  I don't drink sodas or really any sugared drinks (other than coffee but we'll get to that).  I try not to eat a lot of processed foods and definitely eat less than I used to.  Its my post dinner dessert and general snacking that does me in I think.  That is where I definitely need to focus my attention first.  I crave dessert every night and also snacks while I wind down at night and watch TV.  So I don't want to give up TV but I need to disassociate TV watching with snack eating.  Its something I'm working on but its not terrible.  I do drink coffee almost daily and I either use sugar-free creamer or milk and splenda.  Neither is optimal as I try to reduce the number of artificial things in my foods but I LOVE my coffee and I'm willing to splurge to have my creamer :)  I'm not a black coffee drinker and can't think I'd ever be.  This goal is one I'll keep working on.

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