Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Another marathon! and Goal #5

It's happened.  Somehow each time I do a marathon I think that is going to be it.. and then I find myself signing up for another one.  I am not sure I would have signed up for this next marathon if it weren't for the encouragement of my husband.  We're both going to do the Las Vegas marathon in December.  They also have a 1/2 which is what I was gunning for but was swayed to do the marathon.  I have done 5 marathons and I think what keeps me coming back is that my time has been getting better each marathon I run so in my head I'm always wondering if I could do better next time.  My very first full marathon was the LA marathon back in 2008.  I did the training plan but about 3/4 of the way through I started having knee trouble.  Since I was new to this distance I didn't really know what it was.  Turns out I needed to add a lot more stretching into my routine.  It wasn't my knee but was my IT Band and was pulling on my knee and causing a lot of discomfort.  So, that marathon I walked a lot due to the knee pain.  So I did it again the next year and shaved 45 minutes off my time.  That just fueled the internal competition.  I've done 3 marathons since then and each gets better.  This last one was the Big Sur marathon which is hilly and its been said is not a marathon to get a PR on.  Well, I got a PR.  During this particular run I followed a pace group which helped me A LOT.  What also helped me was having a goal and running to that goal from start to finish.  Before, I would just start running at what felt comfortable... thinking to myself that I was going to poop out later on in the run anyways so why not go as fast as I can in the beginning.  I know.. I'd heard that was a bad idea but was sure that for me it would work.  It didn't.  I'd end up walking a lot towards the end because what pace felt good in the beginning to run 10 miles was not so sustainable come 20 miles.  For Big Sur I started slower and was able to maintain it and be more consistent.  So, for Las Vegas my goal is to join a pace group and maintain a steady pace to bring me in at just under 4:30.  That is the goal.  Now the training begins!

Training for me is the hardest part because its about being consistent and dedicated to a plan without excuses which I seem to be good at :)  Assuming my body holds up and I have no injuries there is really no reason I can't do it.  I'm actually excited for this plan because it'll give me focus on my running which I haven't had for a while.  So 4:30 PR here I come!

Now, back to my goal list.  We're on to #5 now which was "Ramp up the cardio / workouts in more excuses, yes you can do it!!"  Ok.. what timing.  I guess this marathon training plan will prove whether I can ditch the excuses.  I feel like I've been more serious and intense with all my cardio but I think this marathon plan and my goal of under 4:30 will make me push myself and I'm looking forward to it.  Bring it on!

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